How can I generate a Partner Activity Statement for specific partners in Metro Accounting System?

In Metro Accounting, generating a Partner Activity Statement for specific partners involves these steps:

1) Navigate to the Accounting Module:

Go to the Metro ERP dashboard and click on the "Accounting" module.

2) Access Customers:

In the Accounting dashboard, find and click on the "Reporting" menu.

Accounting >> Reporting >> Age Receivable OR  Age Payable.

3) Click and view the Age Receivable OR Age Payable landing page, Select the partners for whom you want to generate Partner Activity Statement or Outstanding Statement. 

On the left side of each row, checkboxes are available for selecting specific partners. In the screenshot, two partners, "shreyansh" and "ABC PTE LTD," are selected.

There is a top checkbox to select or deselect all partners at once.

The "Actions" button, located in the toolbar, reveals two options when clicked:

  • Partner Activity Statement: Generates or displays detailed activity records for the selected partners over a specified period.
  • Partner Outstanding Statement: Provides a report of outstanding payable balances for the selected partners.

4) Now, click on the "Partner Activity Statement" link to display the Partner Activity Statement dialog box.

Account Type: Radio button options to choose either Receivable or Payable account types.

In this screenshot, Payable is selected to generate payables reports.

Show Aging Buckets: A checkbox to include aging details in the report. This checkbox is selected.

The Aging Method dropdown is set to Age by Months, allowing aging details to be categorized monthly.

Date Range:

Date Start: Beginning of the reporting period.

Date End: End of the reporting period.


5) Action Buttons:

  • Export PDF: Generates the report in PDF format.
  • Send Email: Directly sends the generated report via email.
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog without taking any action.


To get more details how can I generate a partner activity statement for specific partners, please do contact us at