How do I configure a purchase order report in the system?
To configure a Purchase Order report in Metro ERP's Purchase app, follow these steps:
1) Go to the "Purchase" module.
2) Under the "Configuration" menu, select 'Settings.
3) Now, navigate to Purchase >> Configuration >> Setting >>
Configure Document Layout. Now, click on the Advance Settings link under the Configure Advance Document Layout
4} Click on the Purchase Order and view the Purchase Order Custom Layout.
1. The Report Header
Metro ERP offers a range of combinations to tailor the appearance and content of reports according to specific needs. This section serves as the introductory segment at the top of the report, providing essential information such as the report title, company details, and date. Users can customize this section extensively, incorporating various elements like company logos, addresses, and contact information. Additionally, dynamic data can be integrated using Metro ERP templating language, allowing for real-time updates of details like company names or report dates. Styling options further enhance customization, enabling users to adjust font sizes, colors, alignments, and other visual aspects to align with branding guidelines or aesthetic preferences. With these versatile combinations, users can create professional-looking report headers that effectively communicate key information while maintaining a cohesive visual identity.
- Heading Text Color: Users have the capability to personalize the color of heading text according to their preferences.
- Company Name Color: Users can customize the color of the company name according to their preferences.
- Total Value Color: Users have the ability to tailor the color of the Total Value to suit their preferences.
- Heading in Bold: Users have the option to style the heading in bold according to their preference.
- Display Company Name in Bold: Users have the flexibility to emphasize the Display Company Name by styling it in bold according to their preference.
- Show Tagline: The user has the capability to enable the Tagline option, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Show Logo: The user has the option to enable the Logo feature, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Show Title: The user has the ability to enable the Title option, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Company Logo Size: For enhanced layout, a preferred logo size of 50px is recommended.
- Show Company Name: The user has the option to enable the "Show Company Name" feature, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Show Address: The user has the option to enable the "Show Address" feature, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Add comma between Addresses: Displayed the comma after address line.
- Show Country: The user has the option to enable the "Show Country" feature, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Show Reg No: Users can opt to activate the "Show Reg No" feature, guaranteeing its presence in the report.
- Reg No Type UEN No: Users can conveniently activate the "Reg No Type UEN No" option, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Show Phone: Users can effortlessly enable the "Show Phone" option, ensuring it is displayed in the report.]
- Show Email: Users can conveniently enable the "Show Email" option, ensuring it is displayed in the report.
- Users can effortlessly adjust font sizes, empowering them to customize their experience according to their preferences.
Preferred font/text size for better layout: (In px)
- Company Name
- Heading Text
- Total Value Font