How to work cash rounding in POS?
In Metro ERP, cash rounding in the Point of Sale (POS) module allows you to round the total amount of an order to the nearest denomination, which is especially useful when handling cash transactions. Here's how you can set up and work with cash rounding in POS:
Step-by-Step Guide for Cash Rounding in Metro ERP POS:
1). Enable Cash Rounding
- Go to the Point of Sale module.
- From the dashboard, click on the three dots (or ellipsis) next to your POS session and click on Settings.
- Scroll down to the Pricing section.
- Enable the Cash Rounding option.
- Save your changes.
2). Configure Cash Rounding
- After enabling cash rounding, you need to configure a rounding method:
- Go to the Accounting module.
- Navigate to Configuration > Settings.
- Go to the Accounting module.