​How can I change the payment method for a POS order after it has been validated or posted?

In Metro ERP, changing the payment method for a Point of Sale (POS) order depends on whether the session is still open or has already been closed. Here’s how you can handle it in both cases:

1) Access the POS Module:

Go to the dashboard and select the Point of Sale (POS) module.

​2) Navigate to Point of Sale > Orders > Orders

3) Click on the "Order" from the list and view the order record.

4) Change Payments Button:

Clicking this button opens the Change Payments to modify the payment method for the order.

Header Information:

Order: Refers to the specific order being updated (Shop/0038).

New Payment Lines: Allows the addition or modification of payment methods for the selected order.

Old Payment Method: Displays the original payment method for the transaction (e.g., Cash in this case).

New Payment Method: A dropdown list of available payment methods is shown, including: Cash, Bank, Paynow, ATOME..etc..

This allows users to select and update the payment method for the order.

Amount: Displays the payment amount.

Action Buttons:

Change Payments: Confirms the changes and updates the payment method.


To get more details, how to print the Receipt for an Order, please do contact us at  support@metrogroup.solutions