Metro ERP Accounting Onboarding Guide
To configure your Metro ERP Accounting settings for the onboarding process, follow these steps:
1) Access the Accounting module: You can access the Accounting module from the main dashboard: Click on the Accounting application icon. (Refer below screenshot).
2) The initial onboarding setup options for your accounting system can be found in the accounting dashboard. (Refer below screenshot).
3) Set Up Your Company Data
Begin by clicking the "Let's Start!" button within the company data setup section. This will launch the "Set Your Company Data" dialog.
Within the "General Information" tab, provide the following details:
a. Company Name
b. Address
c. Phone and Email Address
d. Unique Entity Number (UEN) and UEN Type
e. Tax ID (if applicable)
f. Company Registry (if applicable)
g. You can also upload your company logo image for a more personalized.
Users can edit and update their company details. Click Here: More Info
Fill out all the fields in the form and click on the "Apply" button, then this step is displayed with All done! stage.