How to use analytic accounts in Metro ERP?

​Using Analytic Accounts in Metro Accounting Module helps track and manage costs and revenues by project, department, or other custom dimensions that don't necessarily match traditional accounting structures. Here's a step-by-step guide on setting up and using analytic accounts:

1) ​ Go to the 'Accounting' module.

2) View the Accounting Dashboard. 

Now Clicks on the New Invoice Button.

View the Customer Draft Invoice. Indicates that the user is currently in the "New" invoice creation page of the accounting module.  The "Draft" status signifies that the invoice has not yet been confirmed. 

Invoice Lines Section:

Invoices start as drafts, which can be saved, confirmed, or previewed before final posting.

Analytic Accounts: Used to track costs and revenues across projects, departments, or specific activities.

To create analytic accounts in Metro ERP's Accounting App, follow these steps: Click Here

Analytic Tags: Provide additional flexibility for categorizing analytic data, allowing multi-dimensional reporting.

To create analytic tag in Metro ERP's Accounting App, follow these steps: Click Here

Assign analytic accounts and tags to invoices, bills, journal entries, and expense records to get financial reports segmented by project, department, or cost center.